Best Ovarian Cancer Treatment Options

Being diagnosed with ovarian cancer can be a terrifying and scary time in your life, and you might be wondering so what do I do next. Well to start it’s a good idea to get informed and know your options.
The standard treatment options that most people choose for ovarian cancer are surgery and chemotherapy which is what your gynecologist will recommend. Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to treat cancer. It’s a drug treatment that uses chemicals to kill fast-growing cells in the body, including ovarian cancer cells but keep in mind it can also harm healthy cells and has some potentially very dangerous side effects which include hair loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anemia, infections, fatigue, loss of taste buds, damaged immune system, damage to lung tissue, heart complications, kidney damage, and permanent nervous system damage. There is a lot of terrible side effects with chemotherapy.
Plus it’s been proven that conventional cancer treatments like chemotherapy have done little to boost survival chances in people with ovarian cancer. In fact, according to the “Ovarian Cancer National Alliance” the mortality rates for ovarian cancer have not improved in the last 30 years. So you might be wondering is there any alternative or natural approaches to treat ovarian cancer. The answer is yes there is. Here is a list of 3 distinctive ways to beat your ovarian cancer without getting dangerous and toxic chemotherapy treatments.

1. LDN- Research has proven that a low dose of the drug naltrexone (LDN) can have an extraordinarily potent antitumor effect on human ovarian cancer. It has been FDA approved for over two decades now but is just recently starting to gain momentum. In several new studies that where recently done LDN taken every week reduced cancer cell replication by an average of 40%. Using LDN has been proven to dramatically reduce ovarian cancer tumor size and cancer symptoms. This drug can be prescribed by your doctor and has fewer dangerous side effects then some of the standard chemotherapy cancer drugs.

2. Immunotherapy- Perhaps one of the most popular alternatives to chemotherapy is immunotherapy which helps train the body’s immune system to fight certain diseases including cancer. Immunotherapy is non-toxic and does not cause the terrible side effects that chemotherapy does. It improves the body’s own complex immune and defense mechanisms to recognize and destroy cancer cells. Immunotherapy has been developed and enhanced through decades of clinical trials and research. It can be customized according to each patient’s individual needs.

3. Dietary changes- Many of the natural alternatives to chemotherapy take a closer look at diet — and for a good reason. Even if you do choose to go the conventional route which is chemotherapy it doesn’t hurt to add cancer-fighting foods into your daily diet. This will help diminish the dangerous side effects and will reduce any pain that your having. Recent studies have proven that eating an all natural diet that includes lean meats, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables can help shrink tumor size and send your cancer into remission faster. If your looking to change your eating habits to improve your symptoms, reduce pain and fight your ovarian cancer the best diet that I recommend for ovarian cancer is the keto diet. Click here to learn more about the keto diet and how it can help you beat your ovarian cancer.